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Cash applied file

A Cash applied file provides a detailed list of all the transactions for one banking day. You can then load the report into your system and use it to help reconcile your bank statements.


  • It will only include transactions that occur before the banking cut off. Any transactions that occur after the cut off will be included in the next file.
  • QuickStream generates the Cash applied file at 8pm (Sydney time) each banking day.
  • You can choose to include all the payments in one single file or split the payments into multiple files based on the business group they belong to.
  • You can choose to include only the successful transactions or both the successful and rejected transactions.
Tip: Use the newer CSV transaction report via the QuickStream REST API and tailor the format and data to your needs.

File format

The standard CSV format is a "comma separated value" file. The file consists of one header row followed by multiple detail rows.

The header row contains the field names. For example:

"Settlement Date","Receipt Number","Merchant Number","Customer Reference Number","Payment Amount"

The detail row contains the details for a particular transaction. For example:


Column Name Description
Settlement Date The settlement date of the payment.

The default date format is DD-MMM-YYYY.
For example: 20-Jun-2012

For refunds, this field contains the settlement date of the refund.
For example, card transactions after 6pm Sydney time will settle on the following banking day. See Response codes and transaction settlement for more information.
Receipt Number The unique receipt number generated by QuickStream. This value can be used later to locate the payment in QuickStream.
For refunds, this field contains the new receipt number that was generated at the time of the refund. It is not the receipt number of the original payment.
Supplier Business Code Your supplier business code. You will be notified of this value during the implementation.
For refunds, this is the supplier business code of the original payment.
Reference Number This is an optional column. It will be included if your system provides a referenceNumber parameter to QuickStream during the secure token request.

This value represents a unique payment level reference created by your system. For example: invoice number, credit note number, fine code or transaction reference.

For refunds, this is the reference number of the original payment.
Customer Reference Number This is an optional column. It will be included if your system provides a customerReferenceNumber parameter to QuickStream during the secure token request.

This value represents a unique customer level reference created by your system. For example: customer number, family code, company code, BPAY number.

For refunds, this is the customer reference number of the original payment.
Payment Amount For card payments this value is positive. It represents the amount that QuickStream used when it attempted the transaction. It includes any surcharge or GST amount that needed to be paid.

The amount is in dollars and cents. For example, an amount of one thousand and fifteen dollars will be provided as follows:

For refunds, this value is negative. It represents the total refund amount. For example, a refund of one thousand and fifteen dollars will be provided as follows:
Surcharge Amount For card payments this value is positive. It represents the surcharge amount that QuickStream included in the transaction.

The amount is in dollars and cents. For example, an amount of fifteen dollars will be provided as follows:

For refunds, this value is negative. It represents the surcharge amount that was included in the refund. For example, an amount of fifteen dollars will be provided as follows:
Response Code The two digit response code.
For example: 41

See Response codes and transaction settlement for the list of codes.

For refunds, this field contains the response code for the refund - not the code of the original payment.
Response Description The description of the response code.
For example: Lost card

See Response codes and transaction settlement for the list of codes and their corresponding description.

For refunds, this field contains the response description for the refund - not the description of the original payment.
Summary Code The one digit summary code.
For example: 1

See Response codes and transaction settlement for the list of summary codes.

For refunds, this field contains the summary code for the refund - not the summary code of the original payment.
Card Scheme (Cards only) The type of card the customer used to make the payment. QuickStream will return one of the following values:

For refunds, this is the card type used to make the original payment.
Account Holder Name The account name for bank account payments, or cardholder name that the customer entered.
For example: John Smith

For refunds, this is the card holder name associated with the original payment.
Masked Card Number The card number that the customer entered. For security reasons part of this number will be masked.
For example: 45647xxxxxxx004

For refunds, this is the card number associated with the original payment.
BSB Number For bank account payments, this field is populated with the BSB the customer entered on the Payment Details page.

For example: 650-000.
For card payments/refunds this field is empty.
Account Number For bank account payments, this field is populated with the account number the customer entered on the Payment Details page.

For example: 987654321.
For card payments/refunds this field is empty.
Created Date Time The date and time the transaction was made on the QuickStream server in Sydney.

The default format is DD-MMM-YYYY hh:mm.
For example: 20-Jun-2012 15:04

For refunds, this is the date and time the refund was made on the QuickStream server in Sydney.
Source Product The payment channel used to make the transaction.
For example: NET.
Parent Receipt Number For card payments, this field is blank.

For refunds, this field is populated with the receipt number of the original card payment.

Sample file

In this example there are three transactions:

  1. A card transaction for 618.00. A surcharge amount of 24.00 was calculated.
  2. A bank account transaction for 50.00.
  3. A card refund transaction for 301.20. A surcharge amount of 1.20 was calculated.

Sample Cash applied file

"Settlement Date","Receipt Number","Supplier Business Code","Reference Number","Customer Reference Number","Payment Amount","Surcharge Amount","Response Code","Response Description","Summary Code","Card Scheme","Account Holder Name","Masked Card Number","BSB Number","Account Number","Created Date Time","Source Product","Parent Receipt Number"
"10-Jan-2017","1003548481","MERCHANT1","PAYMENT1","CUSTOMER1","624.00","24.00","00","Approved or completed successfully","0","VISA","John Smith","456471xxxxxxx004","","","10-Jan-2017 01:11","QuickWeb",""
"10-Jan-2017","1003548482","MERCHANT1","PAYMENT2","CUSTOMER2","50.00","0.00","G","WBC Exception processing released successfully","0","UNKNOWN","John Smith","","032-xxx","xxx465","10-Jan-2017 02:56","QuickWeb",""
"10-Jan-2017","1003548483","MERCHANT1","REFUND","CUSTOMER1","-301.20","-1.20","00","Approved or completed successfully","0","VISA","John Smith","456471xxxxxxx004","","","10-Jan-2017 13:46","QuickWeb","1003548480"

Invoicing file format

In addition to the columns above, payments allocated to invoices using QuickWeb Invoicing contain the following columns after Payment Receipt Number.

Additional Column Name Description
Invoice Number The invoice number paid in Receipt Number.
Invoice Amount The allocated amount for the Invoice Number.

The header row contains the field names.

"Settlement Date","Receipt Number","Merchant Number","Invoice Number","Payment Amount"

The detail row contains the details for a particular transaction and invoice.


Multiple invoices paid in one transaction have a repeated Receipt Number. In this example, the total payment amount was 600.00 for receipt number 9742904.

"11-Jun-2012","9742904","MERCHANT1","INVOICE1","100.00" "11-Jun-2012","9742904","MERCHANT1","INVOICE2","200.00" "11-Jun-2012","9742904","MERCHANT1","INVOICE3","300.00"

Sample invoicing file

In this file there are two transactions:

  • A card transaction for 624.00 that paid three invoices. The receipt number is 1003548481. The transaction was subject to a 0.4% surcharge.
    • $100.00 on INVOICE1 for CUSTOMER1
    • $200.00 on INVOICE2 for CUSTOMER1
    • $300.00 on INVOICE3 for CUSTOMER1
  • A bank account transaction for 50.00 that paid one invoice. The receipt number is 1003548482.
    • $50.00 on INVOICE1 for CUSTOMER2
"Settlement Date","Receipt Number","Supplier Business Code","Reference Number","Customer Reference Number","Payment Amount","Surcharge Amount","Response Code","Response Description","Summary Code","Card Scheme","Account Holder Name","Masked Card Number","BSB Number","Account Number","Created Date Time","Source Product","Parent Receipt Number","Invoice Number","Invoice Amount"
"10-Jan-2017","1003548481","MERCHANT1","PAYMENT1","CUSTOMER1","624.00","24.00","00","Approved or completed successfully","0","VISA","John Smith","456471xxxxxxx004","","","10-Jan-2017 01:11","QuickWeb","INVOICE1","100.00"
"10-Jan-2017","1003548481","MERCHANT1","PAYMENT1","CUSTOMER1","624.00","24.00","00","Approved or completed successfully","0","VISA","John Smith","456471xxxxxxx004","","","10-Jan-2017 01:11","QuickWeb","INVOICE2","200.00"
"10-Jan-2017","1003548481","MERCHANT1","PAYMENT1","CUSTOMER1","624.00","24.00","00","Approved or completed successfully","0","VISA","John Smith","456471xxxxxxx004","","","10-Jan-2017 01:11","QuickWeb","INVOICE3","300.00"
"10-Jan-2017","1003548482","MERCHANT1","PAYMENT2","CUSTOMER2","50.00","0.00","G","WBC Exception processing released successfully","0","UNKNOWN","John Smith","","032-xxx","xxx465","10-Jan-2017 02:56","QuickWeb","INVOICE1","50.00"
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