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CSV transaction report

The CSV transaction report lists the transactions taken during a settlement day. Download the report from QuickStream using the REST API or the Export Transaction Reports page when you are signed-in.

Configure the report format

Use the REST API to generate a CSV transaction report each banking day. Tailor the report by providing optional parameters to the REST API to filter by success/decline, supplier business and source. You may also provide a list of column names to retrieve the report with only the information you need. See Download csv report for more.

Your staff can generate the CSV transaction report manually. Administrator users can configure the columns available in the report so that your staff see only required information.

Report format

The report is plain text using UTF-8 character encoding. All records except the last are separated by the CR LF end-of-line marker. Fields may be enclosed in double quotes. If double quotes enclose a field, then a double quote appearing inside a field is escaped by preceding it with another double quote.

There are two types of rows in the transaction export:

  1. Header row
  2. Transaction row

The header row is the first row in the file. It contains the column headings. For example:

Community Code,Business Code,Business Name

The header row is then followed by many transaction rows. A transaction row represents a single transaction attempt. For example:

TEST,BUSINESSONE,"Business One, New Park"

The transaction row contains details of your customer's payment, pre-authorisation or refund.

Handling additional columns

From time to time additional columns will be added to the format. To maintain backwards compatibility, use the columns parameter to list the columns you would like in the transaction export each time it's generated. Check the change log for when new columns are added to the report.

CSV report version 2

Column Value Description
A Supplier Business Code The supplier business that the transaction went to.
B Supplier Business Name The name of the QuickStream Business that the transaction went to.
C Source A code indicating the source of the transaction. For example RESTAPI or BATCH.
E Receipt Number The unique receipt number allocated by QuickStream to the transaction.
F Payment Reference A payment level identifier for the transaction as passed to QuickStream by a product. For example, you may pass or ask your customer to enter a Payment Reference Number on your QuickWeb.
G Customer Reference Number A customer level identifier for the transaction as passed by QuickStream by a product. For example, you may pass or ask your customer to enter a Customer Reference Number on your QuickWeb.
H Principal Amount The principal amount of the transaction. This is the transaction amount before a surcharge has been applied.
I Surcharge Amount The surcharge amount of the transaction.
J Total Amount The total payment amount. This is Principal Amount, plus Surcharge Amount.
K Currency The currency code of the transaction.
L Status The status of the transaction. One of:
  • Declined - The transaction was declined by the other financial institution.
  • Approved - The transaction was approved.
  • Approved* - The transaction was sent to the other financial institution and waiting for a response.
  • Void - The transaction was cancelled before settlement.
  • Error - May indicate the transaction was not processed.
M Response Code Reason code for the status. See Response Codes.
N Response Description Reason description for the status.
O Summary Code Success indicator for the responseCode. See Response Codes.
P Settlement Date The day on which this transaction was considered to have been processed. DD MMM YYYY format.
Q Transaction Time Date and time (if known) when transaction processing was initiated. DD MMM YYYY HH:mm Z format.
R IP Address The IP address of the customer. For example,
S Comment A comment for the transaction.
T FraudGuard Result The fraud guard result description. For facilities using Fraud Guard only.
U Original Receipt Number If a refund, the original payment. If a payment, the original PREAUTH or the automatically-retried payment.
V Soft Decline true if the transaction was a soft-decline. See Response Codes.
W Automatic Retry Date The date the transaction will be automatically retried. DD MMM YYYY format.
X Authorisation Code The authorisation code returned from the issuing bank for pre-auth transactions (at most 6 characters). Only for approved pre-auth transactions.
Y Authorisation Type INCREMENTAL, EXTENSION, REAUTHORISATION. For pre-authorisation transactions only.
Z Cancellation Type FULL or PARTIAL. For pre-authorisation cancellations only.
AA Login Name The login name of the user who made the transaction. QuickTerminal transactions only.
AB Full Name The full name of the user who made the transaction. QuickTerminal transactions only.
AC API Key The API key name. For REST API transactions.
AD Account Type The type of account used to make the transaction. One of CREDIT_CARD, BANK_ACCOUNT, NZ_BANK_ACCOUNT, PAYTO
AE Account Token The account token. For transactions against registered accounts.
AF Cardholder Name The cardholder name. For card transactions.
AG Card Number The card number, masked. For card transactions.
AH Expiry Date The card expiry date. For card transactions.
AI Card Type The card type. CREDIT, DEBIT. Note: This is only for VISA and MASTERCARD. Other card types may be added in the future.
AJ Card Scheme The card scheme for card transactions. One of:
  • VISA
  • AMEX
  • JCB
AK Bank Account Name The payer's bank account name. For Australian bank account transactions.
AL Bank Account BSB The bank account BSB, masked. For Australian bank account and PayTo transactions.
AM Bank Account Number The bank account number, masked. For bank account and PayTo transactions.
AN NZ Bank Account Name The payer's bank account name. For New Zealand bank account transactions.
AO NZ Bank Account Bank Code The bank code. For New Zealand bank account transactions.
AP NZ Bank Account Branch Code The branch code. For New Zealand bank account transactions.
AQ NZ Bank Account Number The account number. For New Zealand bank account transactions.
AR NZ Bank Account Suffix The account suffix. For New Zealand bank account transactions.
AS Customer Id QuickStream's unique identifier for the customer.
AT Customer Number Your reference for the customer.
AU Payment Schedule Id QuickStream's unique identifier for the recurring payment. For recurring transactions.
AV Settlement Account For Australian payments, the BSB and account number of your settlement account. For New Zealand payments, the bank, branch and account numbers of your settlement account.
AW Ecommerce Identifier The ecommerce identifier description for the transaction. For card transactions.
AX Card Issuing Country The two digit ISO country code of the card issuer.
AY Wallet Provider Specifies the wallet provider from which the card details were obtained, if applicable. APPLE_PAY, GOOGLE_PAY. Note: For payments made using Google Pay, the Pan Type field value may be FPAN or DPAN, depending on whether an Android device was used.
AZ Pan Type
  • FPAN (default) - the card number from a physical card. Also known as "Funding PAN".
  • DPAN - a digitised card number from a wallet provider or scheme tokenisation service. Also known as "Digital PAN".
BA Payment Schedule Code Your reference for this recurring payment schedule. For recurring transactions.
BB Merchant Routing Result
  • OK - Eligible for MCR and routed to eftpos.
  • AMOUNT_LESS_THAN_MCR_THRESHOLD - Eligible for MCR but the total amount was less than the configured rule so it was not routed to eftpos.
  • AMOUNT_GREATER_THAN_MCR_THRESHOLD - Eligible for MCR but the total amount was greater than the configured rule so it was not routed to eftpos.
  • NOT_ELIGIBLE - Not eligible and not routed to eftpos.
BC PayTo Payer Type
  • ORGN - An Organisation
  • PERS - An Individual
BD PayTo Payer ID Your unique customer identifier for this Payer.
BE PayTo Payer Name The payer's name.
BF PayTo Ultimate Payer Name The trading name of an organisation or the name of the receiver of goods or services.
BG PayTo PayID Type
  • EMAL - Email Address
  • TELI - Mobile Phone Number
  • AUBN - Australian Business Number
  • ORGN - Organisational Identifier
BH PayTo PayID The Payer's masked PayID.
BI PayTo End to End ID The end-to-end identifier for a PayTo transaction.
BJ PayTo Remittance Information 1 Remittance information that was provided for a PayTo transaction.
BK PayTo Remittance Information 2 Remittance information that was provided for a PayTo transaction.
BJ PayTo Agreement Token The reference of the PayTo Agreement that this transaction was for.
BK Trace Code The trace code which can be used to match card transactions to chargebacks.
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