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Test account numbers

To help with the testing process we provide a list of account numbers for you to use.

You must not use real card numbers in the Test environment.

Test cards

During the testing phase QuickStream will generate a response code based on the card number entered.

  • For test card numbers where an expiry date is not specified, any future date may be used.
  • For test card numbers where a CVN is not specified, any 3 digit CVN (for Visa, MC and Diners) and any 4 digit CVN (for Amex) may be used.

Australian merchants

The last 2 digits of the card number will map to a particular response code.

  • Any card number that ends with a value between 00-89 will result in an approved transaction.
  • Any card number that ends with a value between 90-99 will result in a declined transaction.

The table below lists the card numbers you can test with and the corresponding response codes are returned.

Visa Test Cards
Last 2 digits of card number Example card number Response code Summary code
00-89 4242424242424242
Debit Card: 4041370000456459
08 (Honour with identification) 0 (Transaction Approved)
90 4111111117444490 01 (Refer to card issuer) 1 (Transaction Declined)
91 4111111116444491 04 (Pick-up card) 1 (Transaction Declined)
92 4111111115444492 05 (Do not honour) 1 (Transaction Declined)
93 4111111114444493 91 (Issuer or switch is inoperative) 1 (Transaction Declined)
94 4111111113444494 54 (Expired card) 1 (Transaction Declined)
95 4111111112444495 42 (No universal account) 1 (Transaction Declined)
96 4111111111444496 51 (Not sufficient funds) 1 (Transaction Declined)
97 4111111110444497
Debit Card: 4041370000011197
62 (Restricted card) 1 (Transaction Declined)
98 4111111119444498 43 (Stolen card, pick up) 1 (Transaction Declined)
99 4111111118444499 01 (Refer to card issuer) 1 (Transaction Declined)
Mastercard Test Cards
Last 2 digits of card number Example card number Response code Summary code
00-89 5163200000000008
Debit Cd. 5188680400000008
08 (Honour with identification) 0 (Transaction Approved)
90 5100000000404390 01 (Refer to card issuer) 1 (Transaction Declined)
91 2229000000002791 04 (Pick-up card) 1 (Transaction Declined)
92 5163200000000792 05 (Do not honour) 1 (Transaction Declined)
93 5500000000101893 91 (Issuer or switch is inoperative) 1 (Transaction Declined)
94 5400000000501994 54 (Expired card) 1 (Transaction Declined)
95 2300000000887995 42 (No universal account) 1 (Transaction Declined)
96 5100000000432896 51 (Not sufficient funds) 1 (Transaction Declined)
97 2710000000011897
Debit Card: 5188683000000097
62 (Restricted card) 1 (Transaction Declined)
98 5200000000022498 43 (Stolen card, pick up) 1 (Transaction Declined)
99 5200000000830999 01 (Refer to card issuer) 1 (Transaction Declined)
Amex Test Cards
Last 2 digits of card number Example card number Response code Summary code
00-89 340000000636513
08 (Honour with identification) 0 (Transaction Approved)
90 340000000075290 01 (Refer to card issuer) 1 (Transaction Declined)
91 370000000024291 04 (Pick-up card) 1 (Transaction Declined)
92 340000000067792 05 (Do not honour) 1 (Transaction Declined)
93 340000000070093 91 (Issuer or switch is inoperative) 1 (Transaction Declined)
94 370000000094294 54 (Expired card) 1 (Transaction Declined)
95 370000000093395 42 (No universal account) 1 (Transaction Declined)
96 340000000089796 51 (Not sufficient funds) 1 (Transaction Declined)
97 370000000092397 62 (Restricted card) 1 (Transaction Declined)
98 370000000064198 43 (Stolen card, pick up) 1 (Transaction Declined)
99 370000000079899 01 (Refer to card issuer) 1 (Transaction Declined)
Diners Test Cards
Last 2 digits of card number Example card number Response code Summary code
00-89 30000000056030
08 (Honour with identification) 0 (Transaction Approved)
90 39000000000690 01 (Refer to card issuer) 1 (Transaction Declined)
91 38000000008991 04 (Pick-up card) 1 (Transaction Declined)
92 39000000003892 05 (Do not honour) 1 (Transaction Declined)
93 30000000008593 91 (Issuer or switch is inoperative) 1 (Transaction Declined)
94 36000000009694 54 (Expired card) 1 (Transaction Declined)
95 38000000004495 42 (No universal account) 1 (Transaction Declined)
96 39000000004296 51 (Not sufficient funds) 1 (Transaction Declined)
97 30000000006597 62 (Restricted card) 1 (Transaction Declined)
98 36000000003598 43 (Stolen card, pick up) 1 (Transaction Declined)
99 38000000003299 01 (Refer to card issuer) 1 (Transaction Declined)
JCB Test Cards
Example card number Expiry Date CVN Response code Summary code
3530000000000003 10/2025 573 00 (Approved or completed successfully) 0 (Transaction Approved)
3530000000000011 10/2025 573 05 (Do not honour) 1 (Transaction Declined)
UnionPay Test Cards
Example card number Expiry Date CVN Response code Summary code
6250947000000014 12/2033 123 08 (Honor with identification) 0 (Transaction Approved)
3DS2 Test Cards
Example card number Expiry Date CVN Result Test
MC: 5555550000000002
Visa: 4748380000000005
Any Any - 3 Digits transStatus = N
transStatusReason = 05 (Expired card)
3DS2 rejection
MC: 5555550000000044
Visa: 4748380000000047
Any Any - 3 Digits transStatus = R
transStatusReason = 10 (Stolen card)
3DS2 rejection
MC: 5555550000000010
Visa: 4748380000000013
Any Any - 3 Digits transStatus = U
transStatusReason = 06 (Invalid card number)
3DS2 unknown card
MC: 5555550000000028
Visa: 4748380000000021
Any Any - 3 Digits transStatus = A 3DS2 card accepted
MC: 5555550000000036
Visa: 4748380000000039
Any Any - 3 Digits transStatus = C
acsChallengeMandated = Y
authenticationType = 02 (Dynamic)
3DS2 challenge frame shown
Any other value Any Any - 3 Digits transStatus = Y
eci = 05
3DS2 passed

New Zealand merchants

Use the following card details for testing.

Card type Card number CVV
Mastercard 5123450000000008 100
Mastercard 2223000000000007 100
Mastercard 5111111111111118 100
Mastercard 2223000000000023 100
Visa 4508750015741019 100
Visa 4012000033330026 100
American Express 345678901234564 1000
American Express 371449635398431 1000

This list of expiry dates allows testers to trigger specific transaction responses.

Expiry date Transaction response
01 / 39 Approved or completed successfully (00)
01 / 29 Approved or completed successfully (00)
05 / 39 Do not honour (05)
04 / 27 Expired card (54)
08 / 28 Response received too late (68)
01 / 37 Do not honour (05) (ACQUIRER_SYSTEM_ERROR)
02 / 37 Do not honour (05) (UNSPECIFIED_FAILURE)
05 / 37 Do not honour (05) (UNKNOWN)

Test bank accounts

To help test your bank account solution QuickStream will generate response codes based on the BSB values. This will give you the ability to test a broad range of scenarios.

To test bank account payments use the BSBs provided in the table below. Each BSB will return a specific response code and summary code.

  • Rejected transactions (summary code '3') represent errors that are identified early on by QuickStream and Westpac. For example, invalid BSB. These transactions will be stopped on day 1. They will not be passed to the customer's bank for processing. They will not appear in the night time Payment Report (or morning Payment Report).
  • Declined transactions (summary code '1') represent errors that are identified by the customer's bank. These transactions are initially reported as approved in a Payment Report (because they pass Westpac's high level error checks), but will later be declined in the morning Payment Report.

The initial summary code for any of the transactions will be represented as '2' but will change to the relevant summary code once processing is complete.

To test approved transactions use a BSB that is not included in the table below. We recommend using a non Westpac BSB such as 650-000.

BSB Example Account Number Response code Summary Code
032-050 111119 R (WBC Exception Processing Error) 3 (Transaction Rejected)
032-051 111110 1 (Invalid BSB Number) 1 (Transaction Declined)
032-052 111112 2 (Payment stopped) 1 (Transaction Declined)
032-053 111114 3 (Account Closed) 1 (Transaction Declined)
032-054 111116 4 (Customer Deceased) 1 (Transaction Declined)
032-055 111118 5 (No Account/Incorrect Account#) 1 (Transaction Declined)
032-056 222223 6 (Refer to Customer) 1 (Transaction Declined)
032-057 111111 7 (No form PDC held) 1 (Transaction Declined)
032-058 111113 8 (Invalid User ID Number) 1 (Transaction Declined)
032-059 111115 9 (Other) 1 (Transaction Declined)
032-999 999994 G (WBC Exception Processing released successfully) 0 (Transaction Successful)
032-002 123465 G (WBC Exception Processing released successfully) 0 (Transaction Successful)

Test PayTo accounts

To help test your PayTo solution QuickStream will generate responses based on the BSB and Description values. This will give you the flexibility to test a broad range of scenarios.

Action Conditions Result
Creating a PayTo Agreement Use a PayID, or any Payer BSB that does not meet the conditions below. PayTo Agreement is created and then approved by the Payer.

The PayTo Agreement Status will be PENDING followed by ACTIVE.
Payer BSB is 032001
e.g. 032001 111112
PayTo Agreement is created and then declined by the Payer.

The PayTo Agreement Status will be PENDING followed by CANCELLED.
Payer BSB is 032002
e.g. 032002 111114
PayTo Agreement is created and then the Payer does not respond in time.

The PayTo Agreement Status will be PENDING followed by CANCELLED.
Payer BSB is 032003
e.g. 032003 111116
The PayTo Agreement is rejected due to the Payer Account not being eligible for PayTo.
Payer BSB is 032004
e.g. 032004 111118
PayTo Agreement is not created immediately due to no response from downstream systems.

The attempt is retried automatically, and the PayTo Agreement is subsequently created.
Payer BSB is 032005
e.g. 032005 111101
PayTo Agreement is created and then expires.

The PayTo Agreement Status will be PENDING followed by CANCELLED.
Payer BSB is 032006
e.g. 032006 111111
PayTo Agreement is not created immediately due to no response from downstream systems.

The attempt is retried automatically, and the PayTo Agreement is subsequently created after about 30 minutes.
Payer BSB is 032007
e.g. 032007 111113
PayTo Agreement is created and then approved by the Payer. It will be cancelled after a payment is made.

The PayTo Agreement Status will be PENDING followed by ACTIVE. Once a payment is taken, the status will be CANCELLED after 20 seconds.
Payer PayID is The PayTo Agreement is rejected due to the Payer Account not being eligible for PayTo.
Creating a Unilateral Amendment PayTo Agreement Description does not meet the conditions below A Unilateral Amendment is created successfully.

The details of the Unilateral Amendment are then applied to the PayTo Agreement.
PayTo Agreement Description starts with BAD_REQUEST A Unilateral Amendment is rejected by downstream systems.
Creating a Bilateral Amendment PayTo Agreement Additional Information does not meet the conditions below. A Bilateral Amendment is created and then approved by the Payer.

The Bilateral Amendment details are applied to the PayTo Agreement.
PayTo Agreement Additional Information starts with DECLINED A Bilateral Amendment is created and then declined by the Payer.

The Bilateral Amendment details are not applied to the PayTo Agreement.
PayTo Agreement Additional Information starts with EXPIRED A Bilateral Amendment is created and then the Payer does not respond in time.

The Bilateral Amendment details are not applied to the PayTo Agreement.
PayTo Agreement Additional Information starts with BAD_REQUEST The Bilateral Amendment is rejected by downstream systems.
Creating a Status Amendment There are no failure simulations for this scenario. The Status Amendment is created successfully.
Recalling a Pending Bilateral Amendment There are no failure simulations for this scenario. The Bilateral Amendment is recalled successfully.
Recalling a Pending PayTo Agreement There are no failure simulations for this scenario. The PayTo Agreement is recalled successfully.
Transaction for a PayTo Agreement Use a PayID, or any Payer BSB that does not meet the conditions below. The Payment is created and the status transitions to PATC initially and then finally to ACSC.
Payer BSB is 032011
e.g. 032011 111116
The Payment is created and the status will be AC14.
Payer BSB is 032012
e.g. 032012 111118
The Payment is rejected and the status will be FF10.
Payer BSB is 032013
e.g. 032013 222223
The Payment is rejected and not created due to the Payer Account not being eligible for PayTo.
Payer BSB is 032014
e.g. 032014 222225
The Payment is created and the status does not transition immediately due to no response from downstream systems.

The attempt is retried automatically and is subsequently successful. The status will be PATC initially followed by ACSC.
Payer BSB is 032015
e.g. 032015 333330
The Payment is created and the status transitions to PATC and then rejects. The status then transitions to FF10.
Payer BSB is 032016
e.g. 032016 333332
The Payment is created and the status transitions to PATC and then rejects. The status then transitions to AM04.
Westpac Privacy Statement

Privacy Statement (for individuals whose personal information may be collected - in this clause referred to as "you"). All personal information we collect about you is collected, used and disclosed by us in accordance with our Privacy Statement which is available at Privacy Statement or by calling us through your relationship manager or Westpac representative. Our Privacy Statement also provides information about how you can access and correct your personal information and make a complaint. You do not have to provide us with any personal information but, if you don't, we may not be able to process an application or a request for a product or service.