CSV transaction report
The CSV transaction report lists the transactions taken during a settlement day. Download the report from QuickStream using the REST API or the Export Transaction Reports page when you are signed-in.
Configure the report format
Use the REST API to generate a CSV transaction report each banking day. Tailor the report by providing optional parameters to the REST API to filter by success/decline, supplier business and source. You may also provide a list of column names to retrieve the report with only the information you need. See Download csv report for more.
Your staff can generate the CSV transaction report manually. Administrator users can configure the columns available in the report so that your staff see only required information.
Report format
The report is plain text using UTF-8 character encoding. All records except the last are separated by the CR LF end-of-line marker. Fields may be enclosed in double quotes. If double quotes enclose a field, then a double quote appearing inside a field is escaped by preceding it with another double quote.
There are two types of rows in the transaction export:
- Header row
- Transaction row
The header row is the first row in the file. It contains the column headings. For example:
Community Code,Business Code,Business Name
The header row is then followed by many transaction rows. A transaction row represents a single transaction attempt. For example:
TEST,BUSINESSONE,"Business One, New Park"
The transaction row contains details of your customer's payment, pre-authorisation or refund.
CSV report version 1
Column | Value | Description |
A | Community Code | Your QuickStream Community Code. This code is your unique identifier for your QuickStream facility. |
B | Business Code | The supplier business that the transaction went to. |
C | Business Name | The name of the QuickStream Business that the transaction went to. |
D | Source | The source of the transaction. For example QuickWeb or QuickBatch. |
E | Order Type | The order type of the transaction. For example capture, refund or pre-auth. |
F | Receipt Number | The unique receipt number allocated by QuickStream to the transaction. |
G | Customer Reference Number | A customer level identifier for the transaction as passed by QuickStream by a product. For example, you may pass or ask your customer to enter a Customer Reference Number on your QuickWeb. |
H | Customer Number | A customer level identifier for the transaction. This has a value only when you allocate a transaction to a customer record in QuickStream. |
I | Payment Reference | A payment level identifier for the transaction as passed to QuickStream by a product. For example, you may pass or ask your customer to enter a Payment Reference Number on your QuickWeb. |
J | Payment Amount | The total payment amount. This is Principal Amount, plus Surcharge Amount. |
K | Principal Amount | The principal amount of the transaction. This is the transaction amount before a surcharge has been applied. |
L | Surcharge Amount | The surcharge amount of the transaction. |
M | Currency | The currency code of the transaction. |
N | Settlement Date | The settlement date of the transaction. |
O | Transaction Date/Time | The date and time QuickStream performed the transaction. |
P | Transaction Status | The response code. |
Q | Summary Code | The summary code for the given Transaction Status. |
R | Transaction Status Description | The description of the given Transaction Status. |
S | Summary Description | A short description about the Summary Code. One of:
T | Authorisation Code | For a pre-authorisation transaction this is the authorisation code returned from the bank. |
U | Settlement Account Name | The name of the settlement account. This is usually the Merchant ID for card transactions. |
V | Payment Instrument | The payment instrument used to make the transactions. |
W | Account Type | The type of account used to make the transaction. For example: differentiate between card and bank account transactions. |
X | Customer Account Business Code | The customer account business code. Not used for all solutions. |
Y | Credit Card Scheme | The card scheme for card transactions. One of:
Z | Credit Card Number | The card number, masked. |
AA | Credit Card Expiry Date | The card expiry date. |
AB | Cardholder Name | The cardholder name. |
AC | Bank Account Name | The payer's bank account name. For bank account transactions. |
AD | Bank Account BSB | The bank account BSB. For Australian bank account transactions. |
AE | Bank Account Number | The bank account number. For bank account transactions. |
AF | Bank Account Bank Code | The bank code. For New Zealand bank account transactions. |
AG | Bank Account Branch Code | The branch code. For New Zealand bank account transactions. |
AH | Bank Account Suffix | The account suffix. For New Zealand bank account transactions. |
AI | Login Name | The login name of the user who made the transaction. QuickTerminal transactions only. |
AJ | Full Name | The full name of the user who made the transaction. QuickTerminal transactions only. |
AK | Comment | The comment left by the user who made the transaction. QuickTerminal transactions only. |
AL | Related Transaction Receipt Number | If you retry, complete or refund a transaction, the original receipt number appears here. |
AM | Fraud Guard Result | The fraud guard result description. For facilities using Fraud Guard only. |
AN | Ecommerce Identifier | The ecommerce identifier description for the transaction. For card transactions. |