Payments made in this test facility will not be processed by the banking network, appear on account holders' statements or settle to an account.

Reset password

Email and security question

Reset your password using your email address and security question.

If you are visually impaired, you may require assistance to read this code

Contact client administrator

Contact the client administrator of your QuickStream facility. Your client administrator should:

  1. Sign-in to QuickStream
  2. Click on Administration
  3. Click on Users
  4. Select your user
  5. Click "Reset Password"

Contact us

Contact your Westpac relationship manager or Westpac client enquiry manager.

Ask them to identify you and send an email to on your behalf requesting a password reset.

We're sorry.

The service you tried to load is temporarily unavailable. Our engineers are working quickly to resolve the issue.

If the problem continues, contact QuickStream Technical Support.

Access Denied.

You do not have access to the requested service.

If the problem continues, contact QuickStream Technical Support.